Too Wild to Drill

 Appalachian Trail makes list of 15 wild areas in U.S. at high risk of development for oil, gas and other resources New report shines spotlight on important wild lands that must be protected   Roanoke, Va.—A new report released today by The Wilderness Society raises the alarm about the Appalachian…

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Preserve Craig – West Virginia DEP Withdraws MVP Permit

Published at: Bill Wolf, Co-chair Preserve Craig, Inc Last Thursday, September 7, the West Virginia Department of Environmental Protection (DEP) cancelled the certification they had previously issued for the Mountain Valley Pipeline (MVP) to cross over 600 streams and rivers. In the face of a federal lawsuit the state…

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Preserve Craig – Craig County water supply is at risk

Published at: Bill Wolf Co-Chair Preserve Craig, Inc. Sustaining the Quality of Life We Value This week’s column poses some questions as part one of a series asking whether it is legal for our government to grant known criminals the right to take property for their use, profit and…

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Preserve Craig – Sustaining the Quality of Life We Value

Published at: Bill Wolf Co-chair Preserve Craig, Inc We are making progress with efforts to stop the Mountain Valley Pipeline! As we reported, several Federal and State agencies must approve the MVP before it can proceed to take private land and harm this region. Thorough scientific and policy evidence…

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Protect our precious water resources

Published at: Preserve Craig Bill Wolf Co-Chair Preserve Craig, Inc. Protect our precious water resources There are only a few days left to speak up about our valuable water resources — streams, springs, creeks and wells and help stop the Mountain Valley Pipeline (MVP). This coming Tuesday, August 22,…

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Preserve Craig: Sustaining the Quality of Life We Value

Posted at: Bill Wolf Co-Chair Preserve Craig, Inc. Last week we gave you an overview of the risks to our area of these proposed massive pipelines ripping through our mountains, valleys and waterways. Report #2 from Preserve Craig focuses on the current efforts to oppose the Mountain Valley Pipeline…

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Letter to the Editor: Preserve Craig – Sustaining the Quality of Life We Value

Published at: This is the first in a series, intended to update Craig County about the Mountain Valley Pipeline (MVP). In 2015 hundreds of Craig County citizens participated in numerous public meetings about the Mountain Valley Pipeline. Over 2000 county residents signed petitions and spoke out in opposition to…

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Letter to the Editor – Preserve Craig, Inc.

Published at: By New Castle Record – July 25, 2017   To the New Castle Record and the citizens of our special part of Appalachia, Our Jefferson National Forest is about to be harmed and our water and quality of life severely damaged if we do not stop the Mountain Valley Pipeline…

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Pipeline Battle heats up in Court

Published at: Signs of opposition to MVP at the Great Eastern Divide crossing on the Appalachian Trail, in Craig County view shed. Preserve Craig is dedicated to sustaining the quality of life we value. Preserve Craig volunteers have been working for over two years on behalf of the community…

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