MVP Still Blocked from Crossing Forest or Waterways
The proof is in. The Mountain Valley Pipeline (MVP) is neither needed nor is it buildable without permanent harm to our water and land and illegally violating basic citizen rights. The question now is whether it will be a useless dinosaur that never gets finished or it gets completed some day and becomes an even bigger economic and environmental disaster to Craig County and our region.
A lot of water has flowed over the pipeline right of way since our last report. Those spring rains have shown that our assessments of the risks were accurate, and the data MVP submitted was false.
Members of Preserve Craig are still working every day to do the work our state and federal government is not currently doing – protecting Craig County. We have even more evidence that this project was always a pipedream to make money for owner EQT rather than a pipeline needed in any way by the public. EQT and EQM, the spin-off stock split that now manages MVP, are both under even more scrutiny by investors and stock advisors alike as a poor risk and a fraud.
Hundreds of documented reports of damage and violations of law continue to be filed with the federal and state agencies who are supposed to be overseeing this massive 300-mile construction project. An example is the recent tragedy in Giles Court where MVP blew the roof off a rare cave. But the project continues and
MVP is scrambling to find ways around the federal court’s decisions last year withdrawing several key permits and prohibiting construction through National Forest, or across any waterways.
MVP convinced West Virginia to revise one of its regulations and this may eventually allow the Army Corp to grant MVP permits to cross more than 1,000 streams and wetlands in the two Virginias. The fracked gas industry even got President Trump to issue a proclamation attempting to remove the State’s right to deny approval of pipelines.
MVP is also prohibited from crossing the Appalachian Trail. So, MVP just bought land along the trail in Giles County and is proposing to give it to the Department of Interior in trade for a right-of-way across the AT, a crossing that the courts had blocked.
Meanwhile, even the Virginia State Corporation Commission is questioning the need for the project and has therefore held up Roanoke Gas’s proposed rate increase that was intended to help pay for MVP construction.
There is a lot more to report, but please know that Preserve Craig and its allies continue to seek every avenue to halt this project. It’s not a “done deal”
The fight is still important and worthwhile — for now and for the future.
Preserve Craig is a participant in the Mountain Valley Watch (MVW), a collaboration of volunteers, nonprofits, and private interests. MVW is documenting construction activity of the Mountain Valley Pipeline to assure compliance with environmental regulations during construction. Call or text to 833-MVWATCH (833-689-2824) with any info on harm MVP is causing.
Protect Our Community
Please donate to protect this special place. Preserve Craig, Inc. is a 501C3 nonprofit volunteer public charity formed in 1991 to protect our natural, historical, and cultural resources. Tax-deductible donations can be made online at or by mail to: Preserve Craig, Inc., PO Box 730, New Castle, VA. 24127. Email: