Mapping Our Natural, Historic, and Cultural Resource Features

Mapping Our Natural, Historic, and Cultural Resource Features

Preserve Craig needs your help to document the resources and special features that make our county so rich in natural, historic, and cultural heritage. To do that, we need information from landowners on what types of significant resources and features exist on their properties, and where they are located. This information will be useful in quantifying the impacts that development can have on the long-term conservation of these important features.


We ask that landowners provide information on the types of resources and features that they value most on their properties. At this time, all we need is a short, general description of the special feature along with an approximate location. Please identify these by describing the feature in a numbered line below. Write that number at the specific location of the feature on the map on the reverse side of this page. This information will be entered into a geographic information system, and used by Preserve Craig to help inform decision makers and to create a map of the special features throughout our County that you feel are most deserving of preservation and promotion.


Please understand that we intend for this information to be used and shared publicly. By supplying this information, you approve of this use. If you would like additional information or assistance, please contact Preserve Craig ( directly and we will be glad to assist you. Thank you for taking the time to document the wealth of special resources in Craig County!


Some examples of features that you may wish to report include:

  • Water features (examples: springs, seeps, wetlands, temporary or permanent streams, temporary pools, recreational fishing ponds, stock ponds and watering systems, etc.)
  • Historic features (examples: Revolutionary & Civil War era graves/cemeteries, old building sites/foundations, old roads, etc.)
  • Cultural features (examples: Native American artifact finds, orchards, trails, etc.)
  • Natural features (examples: large/old trees, cave openings, rare plants/animals, etc.)




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Description   Description
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3 8
4 9
5 10

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