FERC Stops Work On MVP

FERC Stops Work On MVP

Preserve Craig Demands All MVP Permits be Revoked

Last Friday, the Federal Energy Regulatory Commission (FERC) ordered Mountain Valley Pipeline (MVP) to halt construction and stabilize all disturbed soils on the entire 303-mile route.  Although currently only a temporary halt, Preserve Craig is filing motions and taking legal steps to end this project permanently.

Our community had two significant victories over the MVP in the last two Fridays. Those are major wins but only milestones in the larger battle to stop the MVP.  This will just be a 3 to 6-month suspension, unless the FERC revokes or is forced to vacate its approval.

Two weeks ago the Fourth Circuit Court of Appeals unanimously cancelled both the Forest Service’s changes to its management plan and BLM’s permit for MVP to cross federal lands, thus voiding two conditions of the MVP’s certificate.  First, the certificate, granting eminent domain and permission to build required having in place all federal and state permits, which is no longer the case.  Second, the court found that MVP’s data was flawed.   The government based their decisions on this false information, which is now proving out in the field with the construction damage observable.

Hundreds of documented reports of damage to creeks, streams, homes and wetlands have been filed along the route and some of MVP’s own contractors are now saying this pipeline can’t be built safely.    Therefore, Preserve Craig and others are filing to have the MVP certificate itself be revoked.

Virginia Must Revoke It’s Permits

Given the mounting evidence of severe and unmitigable damage to land, water, and communities that has now occurred along the pipeline route, we call on Virginia Governor Ralph Northam to revoke the improper use of the Nationwide #12 Army Corps general permit.  Now is the time for the Governor to honor his campaign promises of stream-by-stream evaluations and end the nightmare of this pipeline to nowhere.

Specifically, Preserve Craig has asked that the Commonwealth of Virginia withdraw approval of use a generic nationwide permit for crossing all creeks without any review of their plans.    Preserve Craig is working to nullify all permits that MVP obtained from State and Federal Agencies using faulty claims of public benefit.   You can help by writing to Governor Northam and objecting to his support of MVP while serious damage is occurring and “his” State Water Control Board (SWCB) is considering the public comment on MVP during its meeting on August 21, 2018 in Richmond.

Preserve Craig is a participant in the Mountain Valley Watch (MVW), a collaboration of volunteers, nonprofits, and private interests.  MVW is documenting construction activity of the Mountain Valley Pipeline to assure compliance with environmental regulations during construction.   Call or text to 833-MVWATCH (833-689-2824) with any info on harm MVP is causing. 

The MVW is monitoring the Mountain Valley Pipeline for problems during construction: water source contamination, slope failure, soil erosion into waterbodies, stream channel damage, and damage to adjacent properties. Violations of erosion control regulations observed during construction are being documented and reported to responsible agencies for corrective action.

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