Celebrating Our Independence
Eminent Domain was NOT intended for MVP
We have much to be proud of and to celebrate on this fourth of July Independence Day.
But government-authorized and forceful taking of land, our rights, and quality of life by private companies to exploit and profit at our expense was not what our founding fathers intended. The Mountain Valley Pipeline was granted eminent domain authority to take private property without any proven public benefit. And the opponents of this wrongful behavior have not had their day in court. This is just plain wrong.
If Thomas Jefferson were here today, he would likely be supporting or even be one of the tree-sitters on our National Forest land trying to stop the pipeline. I am not saying this is the right thing to do, just that the system is not working and we have an obligation to stand up and object.
MVP is violating its agreements and damaging soils, water, property, and viewsheds throughout the route. Burning instead of chipping. Not giving landowner notices. Damaging creeks and springs. Cutting trees after allowed. Blocking public roads. Causing erosion and landslides. And they’ve just begun construction. Why? Because they are planning a new stock offering this quarter and want to claim the project is a go, even though there are suspended permits and court cases and appeals pending.
Preserve Craig is working to nullify all permits that MVP obtained from State and Federal Agencies using faulty claims of public benefit. You can help by planning to attend the State Water Control Board (SWCB) meeting on August 21, 2018 in Richmond.
Preserve Craig is a participant in the Mountain Valley Watch (MVW), a collaboration of volunteers, nonprofits, and private interests. MVW is documenting construction activity of the Mountain Valley Pipeline to assure compliance with environmental regulations during construction. Call or text to 833-MVWATCH (833-689-2824) with any info on harm MVP is causing.
The MVW is monitoring the Mountain Valley Pipeline for problems during construction: water source contamination, slope failure, soil erosion into waterbodies, stream channel damage, and damage to adjacent properties. Violations of erosion control regulations observed during construction are being documented and reported to responsible agencies for corrective action.
Help Protect Our Community
We need your donations to protect this special place. Preserve Craig, Inc. is a 501C3 nonprofit volunteer public charity formed in 1991 to protect our natural, historical, and cultural resources. Tax-deductible donations can be made online at www.preservecraig.org or by mail to: Preserve Craig, Inc., PO Box 730, New Castle, VA. 24127. Phone: 540-309-9560. Email: preservecraig@gmail.com