A Tribute to Preserve Craig Founder Ellen Coleman
What would Ellen Coleman be doing about the Mountain Valley Pipeline if she were alive today? Ellen, one of the founders of Preserve Craig in 1991, would have turned 71 this past Monday, June 11. Seven years ago, when she was terminally ill and stepped down as its President, she asked that Preserve Craig leadership always be ready to protect this special place against developers who would harm our waters, our mountains, and our people.
Four years before the Mountain Valley Pipeline was proposed Ellen spoke from her heart about this special place and warned that our quality of life could easily be harmed. She felt that it is our sacred duty to do everything in our power to cherish Craig County and oppose the very destruction that Mountain Valley Pipeline is now causing.
Today Ellen would say that we must continue to do everything possible to stop the project and the destruction: ranging from raising the money for attorneys to continue fighting and winning in the courts; to convincing our elected officials that the Natural Gas Act is wrong and unconstitutional; and our water and quality of life is more precious and more important than exporting gas for private profit. She would be watchdogging every foot of construction and reporting on the problems. And, most important, she would be looking to the future to make sure no more projects like this can come through our mountains.
Preserve Craig’s appeals and lawsuits against the FERC, DEQ, Forest Service, and Bureau of Land Management are continuing and may yet succeed. But Ellen would be surprised and disappointed at how unfair the system has become, allowing a project to proceed even before all permits are final.
DEQ Comments Due by Friday
The Virginia Department of Environmental Quality has extended the comment period to this Friday, June 15 about the risks of MVP crossing our streams. The It is not too late to speak up and tell our governor, State Water Control Board, and the to suspend the permits and review the need and risks of this project. The DEQ has extended the comment period for writing about stream crossings. You can write to the Governor, submit comments to DEQ. See our website for more information.
Preserve Craig is a participant in the Mountain Valley Watch (MVW), a collaboration of volunteers, nonprofits, and private interests. MVW is documenting construction activity of the Mountain Valley Pipeline to assure compliance with environmental regulations during construction. Call or text to 833-MVWATCH (833-689-2824) with any info on harm MVP is causing.
The MVW is monitoring the Mountain Valley Pipeline for problems during construction: water source contamination, slope failure, soil erosion into waterbodies, stream channel damage, and damage to adjacent properties. Violations of erosion control regulations observed during construction are being documented and reported to responsible agencies for corrective action.
We Need Help to Protect Our Community
We need your donations to protect this special place. Preserve Craig, Inc. is a 501C3 nonprofit volunteer public charity formed in 1991 to protect our natural, historical, and cultural resources. Tax-deductible donations can be made online at www.preservecraig.org or by mail to: Preserve Craig, Inc., PO Box 730, New Castle, VA. 24127. Phone: 540-309-9560. Email: preservecraig@gmail.com